Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Space and Time

Overlooking Gulu town from the Kakanyero balcony

It’s amazing, the small things you notice, the small things you experience when you go to a place for a second time – or maybe it’s just when one is alone. When you are alone all of the space that was filled with conversation, planning, wondering about others, laughing with others, activities together…becomes empty space…empty space open to even the smallest of notions, space that can either remain or be filled by whatever small or large adventure is waiting. Such small things become interesting, quirks are made visible, and you notice those around you in a different light. Local life becomes much more alive and there is time… Quiet time to close your eyes and listen…and that is enough of a morning activity to give purpose, to bring insight, time enough to let understanding set in more deeply into your soul. Being alone you have the privilege of starting to feel apart of things, another person amongst the many, simply living, instead of feeling like an outsider. Even if those around you still notice you, you cease to notice yourself so much. Your color may not blend, but you feel apart of the pattern and it’s ok. You can’t take comfort in those old things that used to fill time and space because those things no longer exist. All that exists is what used to be foreign, still remains new, but becomes the norm…and feels just right.

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